As you move into 2023, don’t forget to think about goals and simple changes — both big and small — that could help you and your operation continue to improve
The one question I get asked the most as a robotic dairy farmer is this: How many cows can you run per robot? This is such a loaded question to me. I can dissect this one question into many diffe
“Thank you, exhibitors, for allowing me to come judge your show,” official judge Chad Ryan of Fond du Lac, Wis., stated before the selection of Grand Champion Ayrshire of the...
For Ken Main and Kenny Joe Manion of Copake, N.Y., success at the International Brown Swiss Show once again came from their winning Aged Cow and Senior Champion, Cutting Edge Thunder Faye
The world sure has changed over the last one hundred or so years, and we can easily tell that by looking at the progression that has occurred in agriculture